Sunday 19 December 2010

Giveaways: Three times a winner

Eu gosto de participar em giveaways não pelo prémio em si mas pelo prazer de visitar imensos blogues, conhecer pessoas, os seus trabalhos e um pouco do seu quotidiano. Ne semana passada foi assim também. Visitei uns quantos blogues e participei noutros tantos giveaways. O blogue Sew Mama Sew organizou o Giveaway Day no pasado dia 13 de Dezembro e eu lá partcipei de novo.
Então qual não foi o meu espanto ao descobrir que tinha ganho não um, não dois mas três desses giveaways.Não é o máximo!

I love giveaways. Not because of the prizes ( those are good too) but mainly bacause I get to know lots of people, their work and a little bit of their lives. Last week I entered some giveaways and imagine...I won not once ,not twice but three times. Can you believe it.
First I received an e-mail from Cheryl at Gone Stitchin' um telling me I was the 12th winner of her 12 days of Cristmas giveaway.

The next day Anorina from Samelia's Mum sent me an e-mail saying I was the winner of her giveaway, and imagine...Her parents are portuguese. It's really a small world.

Yesterday I found a comment on my blog from Clare at Clares place announcing I was the lucky winner of four of her patterns.

 What WONDERFUL Christmas presents.
Thank you very much to all of my bloggy friends.

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